4 Common Signs of Mice in Basement + Tricks

4 Common Signs of Mice in Basement + Tricks

Have you ever heard strange noises coming from your basement, only to find nothing there when you investigate? If so, it is possible that you have a mouse infestation. 

This article will take a closer look at the signs of a mouse infestation in your basement, as well as what you can do to prevent and eliminate it. 

So, let’s get started!

Common Signs Of Mice In Basement 

Mice are a common problem in many homes, especially during the winter months when they seek shelter from the cold.

Unfortunately, during this period, basements are particularly one of the places they sought for.

However, how can you actually tell if they’re having one in your basement? and what are the signs? 

Firstly, look out for droppings.

Mice can leave hundreds of small, dark droppings in areas where they feed or nest. These droppings can be found in corners, along walls, and near food sources like pet food or birdseed.

Mice dropping; Signs of mice in Kitchen

Trust us, you will know when you see them – they are not the most pleasant thing to come across!

If you can find even just one of these droppings, it is best to make moves, as they could be far more than one mouse in your basement.

Another sign to watch out for is gnawing. Mice love to chew on things, and they will often gnaw on wood, plastic, or even electrical wires. This can lead to serious damage and even fire hazards in your home.

Mice chewing through house furnitures: Signs of Mice in the Sofa
Mice chewing through house furnitures

If you notice any strange noises or scratching sounds coming from your basement, this could also be a sign of a mouse infestation. Mice are active at night, so you might hear them scurrying around or even squeaking.

Finally, keep an eye out for burrows or nests. Mice will often create nests out of paper, fabric, or other materials, and they will burrow into insulation or other soft materials to create hiding places.

Our trick to finding mice

Now, what if you can’t tell if mice are in your basement since you cannot find most of these signs?

Related: How can you tell how many mice you have at home?

Well, you can dig further by setting traps for them at specific locations.

If you don’t have little children at home, you may want to set up baits and see whether they’ll come after it. Peanut butter works well here.

These are all important things to take note and so you can be able to get rid of any mouse at the early stage before they get plenty in number like this:

Group of mice caught in a bucket - signs of mice in kitchen

Of course, the odds of having only a single mouse are poor.

Entry Points In Basements to take note of

Now that you know how to spot the signs of a mouse infestation in your basement, it’s time to figure out how they’re getting in.

The truth is, mice can squeeze through openings as small as a dime.

WIthout further ado, here are some common entry points for mice in basements:

  1. Cracks and Holes in Walls – Mice can enter your home through even the tiniest of cracks or holes in walls. Check for gaps around pipes, vents, or electrical wiring, as well as any cracks in the foundation or walls.
  2. Doors and Windows – Mice can easily slip through gaps under doors or through open windows. Ensure all doors and windows are properly sealed, and consider installing weatherstripping to prevent mice from entering.
  3. Plumbing and Utility Access Points – Pipes and utility lines that enter your home through the basement can provide an easy entry point for mice. Check for gaps or holes around these areas and seal them up with caulking or expanding foam.
  4. Chimneys and Attic Vents – Believe it or not, mice can climb up through your chimney or enter through attic vents. Make sure these areas are properly screened or covered to prevent entry.
  5. Garage or Basement Doors – If your garage or basement door doesn’t fit snugly, mice can easily slip through the gaps. Make sure your doors are properly sealed and consider installing door sweeps to keep mice out.

Prevention Techniques For Keeping Mice Out Of Basements

It is time to take action and prevent them from getting in!!!

Now, how do you do this? Here are some prevention techniques that shows that:

  1. Keep it Clean – Mice are attracted to food and clutter, so keep your basement as clean and organised as possible. Store food in sealed containers, and sweep up any crumbs or spills immediately. Avoid storing clutter in the basement, as this can provide hiding places for mice.
  2. Seal Up Entry Points – As we discussed earlier, sealing up entry points is critical in preventing mice from entering your basement. Use caulking or expanding foam to fill in gaps and cracks around pipes, vents, and electrical wiring.
  3. Use Traps – If you suspect that mice have already entered your basement, use traps to capture and remove them. There are a variety of traps available, from traditional snap traps to more humane live-catch traps. Be sure to place traps in areas where mice have been spotted or where droppings have been found.
  4. Use Repellents – There are a variety of natural repellents that can help keep mice away from your basement. Peppermint oil, for example, is a natural deterrent that can be placed on cotton balls and left in areas where mice might enter.
  5. Work with a Professional – If you have tried prevention techniques on your own but are still struggling with a mouse infestation, it is time to bring in the professionals. A pest control specialist can help identify entry points, seal them up, and develop a plan to eliminate mice from your basement.


We hope that with these tips and tricks, you can keep mice out of your basement for good. Stay vigilant, keep your home clean and organized, and never underestimate the power of prevention.

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