Ultimate List of Scents that Attract Mice

Ultimate List Scents that Attract Mice

Mice are tiny, furry, and can be cute when they are in a pet store. But when they are running rampant in your home, they are nothing short of a nuisance. No matter how clean you keep your house or how many traps you set, mice always find a way in.

So, what is their secret? 

How do they always manage to sniff out the tiniest crumbs or the comfiest nest? The answer lies in their highly developed sense of smell. According to research, mice have a sense of smell that is up to 14 times stronger than that of humans.

Now, what scents do they get attracted to, the most? Let’s take a quick look at this.

Scents That Attract Mice: Here’s our List

You might be surprised to learn that mice have a highly developed sense of smell, and certain scents are like a magnet to them. But why are they so attracted to certain smells, and what can you do to avoid attracting them to your home?

Some of the scents that attract mice include the aroma of freshly baked bread, cheese, peanut butter, and even chocolate. These scents are irresistible to mice and can act as a powerful lure, drawing them into your home and keeping them there.

This is one reason you can use peanut butter alongside baking soda to create a potential homemade house deterrent.

But it is not just food that attracts mice.

They are also drawn to the scent of shelter and warmth, which is why they often make their way into homes during the colder months.

If you have a warm, cosy home that smells inviting, mice will be more likely to make themselves at home in your room or just anywhere.

So, what can you do to avoid attracting mice? 

First, be mindful of the scents you’re putting out into the world.

Avoid leaving food out on the counter or in the trash, as even the slightest scent can be a signal to mice that food is nearby. Keep your home clean and tidy, and seal up any cracks or crevices where mice could enter.

So, Now what Scents Repel Mice?

While there are scents that repel mice, are there also ones that repel them? Well, yes…

One of the most effective scents for repelling mice is peppermint oil.

While it might smell fresh and invigorating to humans, mice can’t stand it. The strong scent of peppermint oil is overpowering to mice and can drive them out of your home.

To use peppermint oil as a mouse repellent, simply mix a few drops of it with water in a spray bottle and spritz it around the areas where you have spotted mice. You can also soak cotton balls in the oil and place them around your home, focusing on areas where mice are likely to enter or congregate.

Alongside peppermint oil, there is also a list of Essential oils that do the same magic.

In general, there are several scents from various types of products and industries that seem to be a big deal to mice noses. A list of them includes candle scents, things like Febreze and even dryer sheets.

However, it’s important to make mention that these scents only prevent mice from coming into your home rather than killing them or doing any sort of intense rat-killing magic.

Preventing Mice Infestation With Scent-Based Deterrents

Prevention is always better than cure, and when it comes to mice infestations, the same holds. While several scents can be used to repel mice, there are also scent-based deterrents that can be used to prevent them from entering your home in the first place.

One of the most effective scent-based deterrents for mice is cedarwood. Mice hate the strong, woody scent of cedar, and using cedar chips or blocks around your home can help keep them away. Place cedar blocks in your closet, under your bed, and in other areas where mice are likely to hide.

Eucalyptus oil is another scent that can be used to prevent mice infestations. The strong, fresh scent of eucalyptus can be overwhelming to mice and can keep them from entering your home. Simply mix a few drops of eucalyptus oil with water in a spray bottle and spritz it around the areas where mice are likely to enter.

Mothballs are another scent-based deterrent that can be used to prevent mice infestations. The strong odour of mothballs is repellent to mice and can keep them away from your home. Simply place a few mothballs in areas where mice are likely to enter or hide.

Peppermint oil, which we mentioned earlier as a mouse repellent, can also be used as a preventative measure. Simply soak cotton balls in peppermint oil and place them around your home, focusing on areas where mice are likely to enter or congregate.

Finally, you can also use scent-based deterrents like citrus and lavender to prevent mice infestations. Mice hate the strong, pungent scent of citrus and the floral scent of lavender, so placing sachets or spritzing essential oils around your home can help keep them away.


From the tantalizing scent of peanut butter and chocolate to the revolting stench of ammonia and mothballs, smelling is pretty much one of the mice’s most proactive life functions.

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