How to use Peanut butter and Baking Soda to Kill Mice

How to use Peanut butter and Baking Soda to Kill Mice

Have you ever had unwanted houseguests that just won’t leave no matter what you do? I’m not talking about your in-laws or that clingy ex, but about those pesky mice that seem to be having a party in your pantry.

Sure, you can call an exterminator or set up traps, but have you ever considered using a common kitchen staple to get rid of them? That’s right, we’re talking about peanut butter and baking soda.

Who knows? This could be your time of finding foods that kill mice instantly.

Now, before you think we’re nuts, hear us out. Some people swear by this unconventional method, and we’re here to explore its effectiveness, safety, and overall feasibility. So grab some snacks (just make sure they’re mouse-free), and let’s dig in

Can you actually use peanut butter and baking soda to kill mice?

Alright, let’s talk peanut butter and baking soda – the unconventional mouse-killing duo that’s been making waves online.

We’ve all heard of using traps or calling in the exterminator, but what if you could take care of those pesky mice with just two simple ingredients from your pantry? Sounds almost too good to be true, doesn’t it? Well, it might be.

Here’s the deal: the idea behind peanut butter and baking soda is that mice love peanut butter (who can blame them?), and when mixed with baking soda, it creates a deadly combination that will supposedly take care of them for good.

The theory goes like this: mice can’t burp, which means they can’t expel the gas created by baking soda when ingested.

The baking soda then reacts with the mouse’s stomach acids, creating carbon dioxide gas that causes internal bleeding and organ failure, ultimately leading to the mouse’s demise.

Some claim suggests that the mice will even blow up after taking these.

But before you start mixing up a batch of this deadly concoction, let’s talk about the caveats.

First and foremost, this method has not been scientifically proven to be effective. Some people swear by it, while others have reported that it didn’t work for them at all.

Generally, it should take time before anything big can happen.

Plus, baking soda can be toxic in large quantities, so it’s crucial to use the right amount and keep it out of reach of children and pets.

And, let’s be real – this method isn’t the most humane way to deal with mice. If you’re someone who cares about animal welfare, you might want to explore other options first.

However, if you’re still curious and want to give peanut butter and baking soda a try, here’s what you can do: mix equal parts peanut butter and baking soda, then place small amounts of the mixture on small pieces of cardboard and place them in areas where you’ve seen mouse activity. Check the bait regularly and dispose of any dead mice in a safe and sanitary way.

So, is peanut butter and baking soda a viable option for getting rid of mice? It’s hard to say for sure, but if you’re desperate for a solution, it might be worth a shot. Just be careful and make sure to proceed with caution. Who knows – maybe you’ll be the next mouse-killing legend! Lol.

It’s, however, important to make mention that most foods when taken at a significant amount, would usually cause these same problems to a mice. Some of them include uncooked rice, ibuprofen, salt, etc.

How to use peanut butter and baking soda to kill mice

Alright, so you’ve decided to give the peanut butter and baking soda method a try. Before you get started, there are a few things you need to know to make sure you use this DIY mouse-killing method effectively and safely.

Step 1: Gather your materials

First things first, you’ll need to gather your materials. For this method, you’ll need equal parts peanut butter and baking soda, small pieces of cardboard, and gloves to protect your hands.

Step 2: Mix the peanut butter and baking soda

Once you’ve got everything you need, it’s time to mix the peanut butter and baking soda. Combine equal parts of each in a bowl and mix well. The consistency should be thick and sticky.

Step 3: Place the bait

Next, it’s time to place the bait. Scoop small amounts of the mixture onto small pieces of cardboard and place them in areas where you’ve seen mouse activity. Be sure to wear gloves to protect your hands from the toxic baking soda.

Step 4: Check the bait regularly

After a few hours, check the bait to see if any mice have taken the bait. If you find a mouse that has been killed by the mixture, dispose of it in a safe and sanitary way.

Step 5: Repeat as needed

If you continue to see mouse activity, repeat the process until you no longer see any signs of mice in your home.

While this method may seem simple, it’s important to remember that baking soda can be toxic in large amounts. Make sure to keep the bait out of reach of children and pets, and to use the right proportions to avoid over-exposure. Additionally, it’s worth mentioning that this method isn’t the most humane way to deal with mice, so if you’re an animal lover, you may want to consider other options.

Other DIY Methods of Killing Rats

While peanut butter and baking soda might be the talk of the town when it comes to DIY mouse-killing methods, there are plenty of other options out there to consider. Here are a few more ideas to add to your arsenal:

  1. Peppermint oil: mice hate the smell of peppermint, so soaking cotton balls in peppermint oil and placing them around your home can help deter them from coming inside.
  2. Ultrasonic repellents: these devices emit high-frequency sounds that are supposed to drive mice away. While there’s some debate about their effectiveness, they can be a good option if you want to avoid using poisons or traps.
  3. Seal up entry points: the best way to deal with mice is to prevent them from coming inside in the first place. Make sure to seal up any cracks or gaps in your home’s exterior and keep doors and windows shut tightly.
  4. DIY traps: if you’re not a fan of traditional mouse traps, there are plenty of DIY trap options out there. One popular idea is to use a toilet paper tube and some peanut butter – simply place the baited tube on the edge of a table or counter, and when the mouse crawls inside to get the peanut butter, it will fall into a bucket of water below.
  5. Cats: okay, hear us out – while not exactly a DIY method, getting a cat can be an effective way to deal with mice. Not only do cats have a natural hunting instinct, but their scent alone can be enough to keep mice at bay.

So there you have it – some alternative options to consider when dealing with a mouse infestation. Just remember, what works for one person might not work for another, so don’t be afraid to try a few different methods until you find what works best for you.


So there you have it – a rundown of the peanut butter and baking soda method for killing mice, as well as some other DIY options to consider.

While these methods can be effective, it’s worth noting that they’re not always the most humane or safe.

If you’re dealing with a serious mouse infestation, it’s probably best to call in a professional to handle the problem. And if you’re looking for more natural ways to deter mice from your home, consider sealing up entry points, using peppermint oil, or getting a furry feline friend. Whatever method you choose, just remember to stay safe and use caution when dealing with pests. Happy mouse-hunting!

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