How Long does it take Instant Potatoes to kill Mice?

How Long does it take How Long does it take Instant Potatoes to kill Mice?

As odd as it may seem, the idea of using instant potatoes as a mouse killer has been around for quite some time. It’s a strange concept, but one that has gained popularity for its supposed effectiveness in getting rid of pesky rodents. But just how long does it take for instant potatoes to do the job? Is it a quick and easy solution or a time-consuming process? In this article, we’ll delve into the world of instant potatoes and mice, and explore whether this unconventional method is truly a viable option for getting rid of these furry pests. So grab a cup of coffee and settle in, because things are about to get interesting!

How long does it take instant potatoes to kill mice?

Before diving into the question of how long it takes instant potatoes to kill mice, let’s first examine why someone would even consider using instant potatoes to get rid of these pesky rodents.

Mice are known to be attracted to starchy foods, and instant potatoes happen to be one of them. Some people believe that by leaving out a bowl of instant potatoes, the mice will consume it and eventually die due to the dehydrating effects of the potato flakes.

But here’s the thing: using instant potatoes as a means of rodent control is not only ineffective, it’s also cruel. Mice are curious creatures and will eat just about anything, so even if they do consume the instant potatoes, it’s unlikely that it will kill them quickly or painlessly.

In fact, it’s much more likely that the mice will suffer for an extended period of time before eventually succumbing to dehydration. This is not only inhumane, but it’s also unnecessary when there are plenty of humane and effective methods for getting rid of mice.

So, to answer the original question of how long it takes instant potatoes to kill mice:

It’s impossible to say for sure, as the effectiveness of this method is highly questionable. Even if the mice do consume the instant potatoes, it’s unlikely that they will die quickly or painlessly.

However, if after taken consuming the instant potatoes, they are expected to die within a few hours time. The major problem, however, lies in getting them to eat the potatoes.

Instead of resorting to inhumane and ineffective methods, it’s best to use humane and effective methods for getting rid of mice, such as using snap traps or live traps. These methods may require a bit more effort, but they are much more humane and effective in the long run.

What are other faster ways of Killing Mice?

You’re probably fed up with those pesky mice running around your house, and you’re wondering what’s the fastest way to get rid of them. Sure, instant potatoes may have sounded like a good idea at first, but now you know they won’t do the trick. So, what are your options?

First on the list is the classic snap trap. It’s been around for ages, and it’s still one of the most effective ways to eliminate mice quickly. All you have to do is bait it with something irresistible (like peanut butter), set it up, and wait for the snap. It may sound a bit brutal, but it’s a quick death for the mouse and an efficient solution for you.

If you’re not a fan of the snap trap’s brutality, you can opt for an electronic trap. These modern devices use electricity to zap the mouse, ensuring a humane and painless death. Plus, they’re reusable, so you can get rid of multiple mice in no time.

Another option is the glue trap. These sticky traps use a strong adhesive to catch mice, and once they’re stuck, they won’t be able to move. They’ll eventually die of starvation or dehydration, which isn’t the most pleasant way to go, but it’s still effective. Just be aware that glue traps can also catch other animals, like birds or small pets, so use them with caution.

Lastly, there are poison baits. Now, this is a controversial option, as the poison can be harmful to other animals and even humans. However, if used correctly, it can be a fast and efficient way to get rid of mice. The bait attracts the mice, and once they consume it, they’ll typically die within a few hours.

So, there you have it. Instant potatoes may have been a dud, but there are plenty of other options to choose from. Just remember to use caution when dealing with these methods, and if you’re not comfortable handling it yourself, don’t hesitate to call a pest control professional for assistance.


While instant potatoes may seem like a quick and easy solution for getting rid of mice, the reality is that they are not an effective method of rodent control. Mice are highly adaptable creatures that can survive on a wide variety of foods, and instant potatoes are simply not toxic enough to kill them

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