Does Baking Soda Make Mice Explode?

Does Baking Soda make mice explode? - Featured Image

The internet is full of strange and often unbelievable claims.

We’ve heard of several funny ways to get rid of mice such as making noise and turning on the lights, however, this one, in particular, has caught our attention: does baking soda really make mice explode?

Does Baking Soda Make Mice Explode?

You’ve probably heard some pretty wild household remedies for dealing with pests over the years, haven’t you? And among these, one of the more colorful and intriguing is the idea that baking soda can make mice die, or even explode.

Sounds drastic, no doubt. But maybe there is some truth to it?!

Enough chatters. Let’s go over it.

Baking soda, known scientifically as sodium bicarbonate, is a common item found in almost every kitchen.

Baking soda on the table
Source: Freepik

It’s known for its versatility and is used in a range of applications from baking to cleaning, and even some health remedies. But the notion of it being a mouse-deterrent is quite a peculiar one.

Well, the theory behind this claim is actually based on the biological makeup of mice.

It suggests that when a mouse ingests baking soda, it reacts with the stomach acid and produces carbon dioxide gas, which, theoretically, the mouse cannot expel.

This inability to belch or expel gas supposedly leads to a buildup that causes the mouse to – you guessed it – explode.

Related: How Long Does it Take Baking Soda to Kill Mice?

This notion, while fascinating, has no scientific backing or recorded instances. It’s one of those urban myths that have been circulated and passed down without any concrete evidence.

And while an excessive amount of gas can indeed cause discomfort and health issues, the likelihood of it leading to an explosion is virtually non-existent.

In essence, baking soda, or any other home remedies for that matter, are not a definitive solution for a mouse problem.

If you’re struggling with such an issue, it’s recommended that you seek professional help or use commercially available, scientifically tested products. They are not only effective but also ensure the humane treatment of the creatures involved.

Better Ways to Actually get rid of Mice

Moving away from the myth of the exploding mice, we find ourselves questioning, “What are some actual effective methods to get rid of mice?”

Cover Every hole and Openings

Your first line of defense against mice is preventing them from gaining entry into your home in the first place.

Mice can squeeze through openings as small as a quarter-inch in diameter. That’s about the size of a dime! So, it’s worth taking the time to seal up any cracks or openings with caulk or steel wool.

Avoid Having their Appeals Open

Like any creature, mice are simply looking for a good meal and a safe place to live.

Related: Complete List of Foods That Kill Mice

So, by making sure your food is stored in airtight containers and not leaving crumbs or leftovers out in the open, you’re making your home a lot less attractive to these little critters.

Use Traps

Now, if mice have already made themselves at home, you might want to consider traps.

The classic snap trap is a tried-and-true method, but there are also catch-and-release traps available for those who’d rather not harm the mice. Remember, it’s not their fault they’ve found your home inviting.

Consider Exterminators

If your mouse problem persists, you might want to consider calling in a professional. Pest control services have the know-how and the tools to deal with a mouse infestation quickly and efficiently.


Well, we’ve covered a lot of ground when it comes to using baking soda for mice. We started by debunking the myth that baking soda mixed with vinegar will make mice explode – it’s not true, and it’s not humane. But don’t worry, there are plenty of other ways to use baking soda to deal with a mouse problem.

Whether you choose to mix it with peanut butter or sprinkle it with cinnamon, just be sure to approach pest control with care and compassion. And remember, prevention is key – keep your home clean and organized, and store food in airtight containers.

If you’re dealing with a serious infestation, don’t hesitate to seek the advice of a professional. With a little bit of know-how and a lot of heart, you can say goodbye to your mouse problem and hello to a pest-free home.

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