Top 3 Candle Scents That Repel Mice

Candle Scents That Repel Mice: What type?!

Maybe you’re tired of setting traps, using poisons, and dealing with the mess left behind by these pesky rodents. What if there was a simple and natural way to keep mice away from your living space?

It’s no news that candle scents are among the things mice hate, hence could actually be a potential repeller. But, what candle scents, exactly, does this? 

Let’s take a quick look at that.

Best 3 Candle Scents That Repel Mice 

This topic might seem a bit obscure, but when it comes to finding natural, less harmful ways to deter rodents, it’s worth exploring the aromatic options out there. And since there have been some positive researches on their effectiveness, it might be worth trying.

1. Peppermint.

First on our list is Peppermint.

a bottle of peppermint oil on the table surrounded by peppermint leaves
A bottle of peppermint oil around peppermint leaves | Source:

Mice, like many other rodents, are said to detest the strong scent of peppermint. It’s thought to overload their keen sense of smell, making an environment scented with peppermint uninviting. You can find candles infused with this essential oil at most home decor and wellness stores.

It’s still important to note that while peppermint candles can make your home smell refreshing, their efficiency in repelling mice is subjective and can depend on a variety of factors.

2. Eucalyptus

Similar to peppermint, the strong, almost medicinal scent of eucalyptus can be off-putting to mice. When diffused in a room via a candle, it can create an environment that mice might prefer to avoid. However, as with other scents, individual results can vary.

3. Citronella

Lastly, we have Citronella.

Shot of Citronella Candle scents
Citronella Candles | Source: The New York Times

This lemony fragrance originates from a type of lemongrass, and while many of us associate it with repelling mosquitoes, some homeowners have found it effective in discouraging mouse activity too.

It’s worth mentioning though that the scientific evidence supporting the repellent properties of citronella against rodents is not as robust as it is for mosquitoes.

If you are not a fan of these scents, don’t worry – there are plenty of other options out there. 

For example, cedarwood, lavender, and citrus scents are also known to repel mice. These scents are not only pleasant for us humans but also effective in keeping mice at bay.

You could also check our list of essential oils that are a threat to mice infestations.

Now,  do these scents really work? The answer is yes, to a certain extent. 

While they will not guarantee that mice will never enter your home, they can certainly make it less attractive to them.

It is also important to note that these scents work best when combined with other preventative measures, such as sealing up any potential entry points and keeping your living space clean.

How Do Candle Scents Repel Mice?

If you’re wondering how exactly a scent from a candle could deter a tiny creature like a mouse, you’re not alone. The answer lies in their olfactory abilities.

Mice have a highly developed sense of smell, a critical tool they use for navigation, finding food, and avoiding predators.

mouse being reppelled by candle scents caught

Strong, potent smells like those from essential oils — scents like peppermint, citronella, eucalyptus, and even other weird things like dryer sheets, Febreze, and Lavender to name a few — can overwhelm a mouse’s olfactory system.

The powerful scent can create a sensory overload that makes the environment uncomfortable for the mice, encouraging them to stay away. In essence, these smells create an invisible barrier that the mice prefer not to cross.

It’s akin to how we might react to an excessively strong smell.

Imagine walking into a room where the scent of perfume or cologne is so overpowering that it’s all you can focus on, and you just need to step out for a breath of fresh air.

This could be similar to what a mouse experiences when it encounters these potent scents, making it retreat to a more comfortable environment.

The use of scented candles for this purpose offers an added advantage — as the candle burns, it helps to diffuse the scent uniformly throughout the room, potentially making the area more uniformly undesirable to mice.

It’s important to keep in mind, however, that using scented candles as a standalone measure may not completely solve a rodent problem, especially in case of larger infestations.

While they might discourage mice to an extent, for comprehensive pest control, it’s usually necessary to incorporate other methods or professional help.

Tips For Using Candles Scents Effectively for Mice

Now that you know about the benefits of using mouse-repellent candles, let’s talk about how to use them effectively. 

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your candles and keep mice at bay:

  • Choose the right scent: Different scents work better for different people and environments, so choose a scent that you find pleasant and that you think will be effective in repelling mice. Peppermint, eucalyptus, and citronella are popular choices, but you may find that other scents work better for you.
  • Use the candles strategically: Place the candles in areas where mice are most likely to enter, such as near doors or windows, or in areas where you have noticed mouse activity. You may also want to place them in multiple locations to create a barrier around your living space.
  • Burn the candles for a few hours each day: You do not need to burn the candles constantly to keep mice away. Instead, burn them for a few hours each day, preferably during the times when mice are most active (such as at night).
  • Keep your living space clean: While mouse-repellent candles can help keep mice away, it’s still important to keep your living space clean and free of food debris or other attractive materials that may attract mice.
  • Use other preventative measures: While mouse-repellent candles can be effective, they are not a silver bullet. You may want to use other preventative measures, such as sealing up any potential entry points and keeping your living space tidy and well-maintained.


As a final note, it’s clear that while scented candles might make an environment less attractive to mice, their effectiveness largely depends on the specific circumstances – the scent’s intensity, the room’s size, and the degree of infestation. If you’re dealing with a serious mouse issue, professional pest control is recommended.

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